TDK Corporation ha recentemente annunciato che a far data dal 1 aprile 2023 vi saranno dei cambiamenti in diversi ruoli di responsabilità a livello executive. Li elenchiamo di seguito: Andreas Keller diventa Senior Vice President Chief People and Sustainability Officer and General Manager, Human Resources HQ; Roshan Thapliya assumerà la carica di Corporate Officer
Chief Digital Transformation Officer and General Manager, Management System HQ; Jim Tran diventa Corporate Officer General Manager, Americas HQ and Deputy General Manager, Technology & Intellectual Property Center; Takeshi Takahashi sarà Corporate Officer Chief Officer of Quality, Safety and Environment and General Manager, Quality Assurance HQ.
La multinazionale nipponica ha provveduto a modificare anche l’assetto organizzativo. L’SCM & Management System HQ diventa il Management System HQ e include il DX Promotion Group. Il Production Engineering HQ prende il nome di Production HQ e include il Monozukuri Innovation Group. L’SCM Reengineering Group e il Procurement & Logistics Group passa nell’area Production HQ. Il Production Engineering Planning Group diventa il Production Strategy Planning Group. Il Monozukuri Center diventa il Process Development Group e il Production Engineering Center diventa il Machinery Development Group.
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